Fresh French Home


What inspires? How and why does anyone or anything make our toes curl, our heart beat fast, what inspires us to do, think and achieve? It is so different for everyone, I think this is what is so special when you meet others with similar interests and are inspired by the same ideas, beauty and way of being. A inspiration soul-mate!

My inspirations.

daughter (my HEART, witty girl)
husband (my ROCK, his sense of justice)
mother (the one I can count on, she is also the most beautiful woman I know)
sister (an excellent writer I am proud to know)
melony ( a new and dear friend, she most aptly represents a inspiration soul -mate)
kay (her good taste)
susan (her kick tush determination)
fabric (I love the mix and unexpected, I glance at fabric and get inspired)
roses (typical, I know, but I really do love them)
new with old
crystals (especially their prisms of light)
a first kiss
apple picking in the Fall
New York City (I would live there, only if I could afford a driver!)
afternoon tea
white linen
chandeliers (I have a collection, they travel with me from house to house and they make a room)!
the beach at sunset
smocking on baby dresses
tole ware (only the good stuff)
vintage enamelware
a child's birthday party
foxglove (actually my favorite plant but I can not grow it more than one season, and I love it, it grows wild in Washington state, a beautiful sight)
good lighting
unexpected whimsy
Pixie ( my nearly blind 11 year old Boston)
to be continued . . .

What inspires you?

1 comment:

  1. I am inspired by the colors of the ocean- beautiful blues, teals and greens.

    I am inspired by beautiful antique furniture! dear soul sister, Kate - YOU inspire me! Lets go antiquing!
